3 February, 2025
Walking ‘Eat Street’ concept
'Gazza's Gossip' IT must be almost four years ago since the ‘Goss’ covered a story about Grant Street, Port Douglas.

On that occasion, the topic was based around the state of the public toilet provided for restaurant users in the area. I say just the singular in terms of the toilet, because there is only one.
When I talked, back then, about the toilet’s condition, it was not about the upkeep, but the mess its users were leaving it in. This particular Gazza’s Goss was entitled ‘It’s a dunny debacle.’
Well, this week, we return to Grant Street, fondly known as ‘Eat Street’ being a popular location for both locals and visitors to grab lunch, an evening meal or just a takeaway.
It has recently been suggested that the location could well be improved if the street itself became accessible to pedestrians only and not vehicles, other than for deliveries.
Some locals, including Johnny Wilson and his wife Nittaya Bokboon, owners of ‘It’s Up To You’ Thai Restaurant in Grant Street, believe closure of the road to traffic would enhance the dining experience for customers and would allow the grass area -– Rotary Park -– on one side of the street to be used for musical entertainment, possibly small markets or simply just a peaceful view.
“It just makes so much sense to make this area pedestrian-only and utilise the beautiful green area opposite,” Mr Wilson said.
“They’ve done this sort of thing in Cairns and it has worked. Maybe we could give the idea a three-month trial and, if it doesn’t work, then fair enough” he added.
Regular Grant Street users are also keen to see improved toilets in the area. As mentioned before, there is currently only one serving this busy area.
Other thoughts are that a Grant Street closure to vehicles would generally result in increased foot traffic and therefore more customers for local businesses. Shops and restaurants would also benefit from the improved visibility that comes with a bustling street, making it easier for potential customers to discover them. This would, in hand, boost the local economy by encouraging residents and tourists to spend money at local shops, cafes, and restaurants.
Furthermore, special events and markets may create opportunities for businesses to offer promotions, sell products and attract new customers.
On the down side, it would mean the closure of the street to traffic and the loss of about 15 parking spaces. Those keen on the proposal don’t believe it should really make a huge difference with other nearby routes and plenty of parking.
Port Douglas local and regular Grant Street user Bob Francis said: “People often leave their cars running when picking up a takeaway, so the road closure would certainly mean less pollution for people eating”.
Business owner Joyce Coyle from nearby Port Cosmetic Clinic also felt the idea makes total sense, saying: “It seems such a great idea for one of Port’s most popular eating areas to be more private.”
Douglas Shire Council said that previous community engagement on the topic in 2020 raised some issues. “Some concerns raised at that time included the loss of car parking spaces and potential objections from Macrossan Street operators, however, a key concern is that any construction to create a dining precinct and either fully or partially close the road would disrupt traders,” Mayor Lisa Scomazzon said.
“(The) council is already investing in Grant Street, with plans to upgrade its public amenities. The single toilet in Rotary Park will be replaced with four toilets – two unisex toilets, one ambulant unisex toilet and one unisex accessible toilet,” she said.
No doubt the discussions on this topic will continue well into the future, but for now it appears the traffic will continue to flow along Grant Street.
I’m off to ‘Eat Street’ for a spot of lunch, so for now it’s Gazza signing out.
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