

5 February, 2021

Northern Pride Brad Lupi: Pressure on.. Pressure off

NORTHERN Pride big man Brad Lupi is enjoying his pre-season with the Northern Pride. He brings a wealth of experience but also plays two very important roles.

By Peter McCullagh

Northern Pride Brad Lupi: Pressure on.. Pressure off - feature photo

Lupi’s size and speed enables him to help the team build pressure on opposing teams. Weighing in now at 117 kilograms after shredding eight kilos already this pre-season, Lupi will still find himself amongst the heavyweights of the game.

His size combined with his enjoyment of the physicality of the game is now enhanced by increased pace.  Happy to play from the bench and contribute a strong 30 – 35 minutes Lupi will be instrumental in the Pride’s pressure building game plans.

An additional dimension is added by Lupi to the squad. Not only can he build the pressure, he is a great pressure releaser. Lupi has the ability to defuse a pressure situation easily and effectively. A skill greatly appreciated by Northern Pride Coach, Ty Williams.

“He’s one of the guys you need in your club, this year I’ve seen a different side of Bradley.

“A lot more mature, he had adapted to the new demands of the game.

“I love coaching Lupi, he’s a guy you need in your group.

If there’s an intense moment, he deflates that moment, but when it’s time to go, he really has a crack at it.”

Brad is looking forward to a big year, both on and off the field. Turning 32 this weekend and his wife is expecting their first child in July, 2021 can be a defining year for Lupi.

Never one to contemplate a captains role, Brad is has a burning desire to win the premiership this year.  “We are definitely a semi-finals team, and when you hit the semis, anything can happen.

“We have a real good shot this year.”


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