

4 February, 2024

Role model for Reef tourism

GREAT Adventures marine biologist Bekki Hull has taken part in the state government’s young tourism leaders program as a role model to inspire young people to consider a career in the tourism industry.

Great Adventures marine biologist Bekki Hull.
Great Adventures marine biologist Bekki Hull.

Ms Hull joined 24 other young leaders from across Queensland at a special event at Parliament House in Brisbane.

“I’m thrilled to be recognised for this program and look forward to sharing my own stories and journey with schools, TAFE and university students to advocate for careers in the tourism industry,” she said.

Working with Great Adventures Reef Biosearch team of marine biologists, Ms Hull is also a master reef guide, showcasing the natural wonders of the Great Barrier Reef to visitors from across the globe.

“Bekki’s passion for marine conservation and education aligns perfectly with the tourism industry’s potential to foster a deep appreciation for our marine environment,” said Reef Biosearch Cairns manager Phil Coulthard.

“Through her involvement in the 2024 young tourism leaders program, she can play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between these two realms, highlighting how the tourism industry can effectively communicate the importance of conservation to a global audience,” he said.

“Her expertise and enthusiasm will undoubtedly inspire future tourism professionals and travellers alike to become stewards of our precious marine ecosystems.”

Prior to joining Great Adventures, Ms Hull spent five years working as a resident marine biologist for a luxury resort in the Maldives, and many years doing various volunteering and internships around the world, from working with great white sharks in South Africa to marine conservation and coral restoration work in Mauritius.


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