21 September, 2020
Redlynch Valley siren testing
Residents throughout Redlynch Valley from Crystal Cascades to Brinsmead are advised that live testing of newly modified emergency sirens, as part of Cairns Regional Council’s Copperlode Falls Dam Emergency Action Plan, will be carried out on Thursday September 24, between 10am and 2pm.

The nine outdoor warning stations were installed in 2019 as one component of the Copperlode Falls Dam Emergency Action Plan Early Warning System.
Council conducted initial testing on October 9, 2019, but the results and feedback from the community indicated adjustments to the system and further live testing were required.
Mayor Bob Manning said the second round of testing was originally due to occur earlier in the year, however due to COVID-19 restrictions, contractors were unable to travel to Cairns to carry out the tests.
“These tests ensure the sirens work as expected and that the sound can be heard throughout the likely affected area,” he said.
“We asked the community for feedback following the first round of tests and residents said that the siren tone did not travel as well as expected. The siren sound for this round has changed, so this should rectify those concerns.”
The sirens have two elements: a voice notification and a siren tone. The siren tone has been changed
Family pets should be secured to ensure they do not escape their yard during the test.
Division Six Councillor Kristy Vallely said while a dam-related emergency was very unlikely, it was important for residents to be familiar with their own evacuation plans.
“Households in the affected area have been sent copies of the Early Warning System maps and residents should be familiar with their pre-prepared Emergency Evacuation Plan,” she said.
“This tests one component of our Copperlode Dam Action Plan and it is a test only.
“Residents should not panic when they hear the sirens, however they should think about what they might need to do in the case of an emergency.”
To listen to the sound of the siren and for more information visit: