

28 September, 2023

Navy cadets on move to new maritime college home

NAVY Cadet unit TS Endeavour is celebrating  their last days at HMAS Cairns, before transferring to the Great Barrier Reef Marine College in Tingara Street, after 60-plus years.

By Eden Spooner

CDTLS Lucia Partridge (left) with CDTLS Eden Spooner, CDTLS Keeley Hudspith and CDTPO Madison McDonnell come together for one last picture at HMAS Cairns before their big move. Picture: Zak Jackson
CDTLS Lucia Partridge (left) with CDTLS Eden Spooner, CDTLS Keeley Hudspith and CDTPO Madison McDonnell come together for one last picture at HMAS Cairns before their big move. Picture: Zak Jackson

As the cadets move over to the college in two weeks, they will be operating new equipment and carrying out unfamiliar activities,  from survival at sea and firefighting through to navigating a vessel on a simulated bridge.

The transfer aims to allow the redevelopment of HMAS Cairns to run smoothly, while also providing new and enjoyable experiences for TS Endeavour and ensure that they don’t lose the maritime aspect of navy cadets.

Flotilla operations support officer Lieutenant Ray Austin said the possibilities that came from transferring to the maritime college were unlimited.

“Our possibilities will be endless along with the new training continuum being pushed forward by ANC (Australian Navy  Cadets).”

TS Endeavour instructor Sub-Lieutenant Kimberly Jackson said that, although many cadets were leaving what they had considered a second home, they would always remember the amazing times they had at their unit and accept the differences and new adventures to come from the maritime college.

“We carry with us the memories, lessons, and strong bonds that helped shape us. We embrace the future with determination and excitement about this new chapter in our training journey,” she said.


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