
General News

8 January, 2021

Wild weather rescues

EX-TROPICAL Cyclone Imogen moved south of Cairns, but not before buffeting the region with some strong winds and torrential rain and spectacular storms.

By Peter McCullagh

Wild weather rescues - feature photo

Damage across the region has been limited to flooding, some trees uprooted and minor damage to structures.

Spare a thought for the some of the unsung heroes who deal with some of the effects of our weather in a manner showing compassion and a dedication to community and wildlife.

A reader in Innisfail, Kerry Freeman witnessed a remarkable act of compassion and care after Wednesday’s electrical storm over the Cassowary Coast.

On her way to a local shop Kerry had a front row seat to local police officer, Belindar Querruell attempting to calm and rescue a frightened dog. The dog had been startled and fled it’s home during the electrical storm and was at risk running free on the road. The police officer coaxed the startled animal with a mixture of calming reassuring tones and a good supply of doggy treats.


Apparently it is almost standard practice for many local officers to carry doggy treats and leads as they are regularly there to rescue our furry friends who are startled in storms and celebrations.

A massive shout out to this serving officer, and I’m sure the owners of the dog are truly appreciative of your efforts.


Meanwhile in Cairns, the volunteers from FNQ Wildlife Rescue were kept busy with wildlife rescues resulting from the high winds recently.

Jamie Olive a volunteer with FNQ Wildlife Rescue was called upon to rescue two small honeyeater fledglings displaced from their nest in the trees opposite the Cairns Hospital.

Concerned hospital staff discovered the fledglings cowering under a seat on the esplanade and called upon the volunteers to rescue the birds.


“We’ve been busy with rescues after the wild weather yesterday and last night.

“If you discover birds that are obviously displaced from their nest with wild weather, call FNQ Wildlife Rescue. We operate 24 hours a  day, “ said Jamie.

One honeyeater fledgling was returned to its two very concerned parents. The second had an injured leg and was taken to a local vet for treatment.

The esplanade rescue was closely supervised by an owl that kept a healthy and wise distance as it oversaw the rescue mission.


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