General News
29 January, 2025
Jasper leads to fresh plan
DOUGLAS Shire Council has updated its Local Disaster Management Plan, learning from the lessons of Cyclone Jasper and the subsequent unprecedented flooding a year ago.

The plan covers prevention, preparedness, response and recovery.
Douglas Shire Council Mayor and Local Disaster Management Group chairwoman Lisa Scomazzon said planning for a natural disaster was critical.
“When disaster strikes, it can catch people unaware, and many who have not had a disaster experience may have trouble handling such a high-pressure situation,” she said.
“Having a plan that everyone can refer to takes away the question of how the emergency should be handled.
“Roles are designated in the plan, giving everyone involved a clear set of procedures to follow, helping your team remain calm and focused under pressure.
“Effectively managing a disaster has many flow-on benefits, with regular business operations less likely to experience disruptions, ensuring that your business can get back on track as quickly as possible.
“It can also help prevent injury to personnel and reduce poor customer experiences, reducing the risk of reputational loss and preventing legal liabilities from arising.
“The preservation of life is the highest priority for the Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG).”
Cr Scomazzon said ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper and the flooding that followed just over a year ago was a stark reminder of the destructive power of Mother Nature.
“While it was an unprecedented weather event we would rather forget, and one we hope is never repeated, it did provide the LDMG with some valuable lived experiences,” she said.
“Every year the LDMG prepares for the upcoming cyclone season but the ultimate test of its planning, and ability to react swiftly, came when the Douglas Shire experienced flooding, landslides, power and communication blackouts, as well as widespread damage to the water and road networks.
“The LDMG worked tirelessly and achieved much for its community, both through the initial emergency period, and then as the recovery process began.
“Thinking on our feet, improvising, embracing our specialised talents, working with relief staff and advocating for communities contributed to our success.
“But, while Jasper threw some curveballs, it also highlighted why planning for a natural disaster is so vital.
“For many Douglas Shire residents, and some of our LDMG members, Jasper was their first encounter with a natural disaster.
“Now 12 months on, the experience and knowledge gained from TC Jasper is being used in the preparation and planning for any future disasters to ensure the disruption to our Douglas Shire communities is kept to a minimum.”
To read the plan visit