14 July, 2024
Funding boosts for SES units
NEARLY $500,000 in grants have been awarded to four Cairns region SES groups.

Cairns Regional Council State Emergency Service groups at Holloways Beach, Machans Beach, Edmonton and Trinity Beach are sharing in $460,711 in Miles Labor government grants.
The grants through Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) are delivering funding for the refurbishment of generators at Edmonton and almost $200,000 for upgrades to the SES at Trinity Beach, more than $95,000 is being invested in a new SES truck shed at Holloways Beach and $150,000 at Machans Beach SES for a bathroom extension and building refurbishment.
Member for Barron River Craig Crawford said in the Far North “we know it’s not if, but when extreme weather strikes and that’s what makes our region’s State Emergency Service volunteers so important”.
“Through QFES, the Miles Labor government is fully funding $443,000 in infrastructure upgrades to three Northern Beaches SES facilities,” he said.
“The Miles government’s record funding for the SES is about ensuring our volunteers in orange are well-funded and well-equipped to support disaster recovery and keep Far North Queenslanders safe.”
Fire and Disaster Recovery Minister Nikki Boyd said whether it was severe weather events like cyclones and floods or supporting rescues and missing person searches, there were more than 5000 Queensland SES volunteers backing Queenslanders state-wide.
“These SES grants are an investment in disaster resilience and the well-being of Queenslanders by ensuring our orange army has the facilities and equipment it needs to fast-track community recovery,” she said.
“The Miles Labor government will always support the SES and the safety of Queensland communities.”
Member for Mulgrave and Speaker of the Queensland Parliament Curtis Pitt said with cyclone and flood events, it had been a busy year for first responders, including Far North Queensland SES volunteers.
“The QFES funding for the Edmonton SES will support the upgrade of power generators at the Hambledon Drive facility,” he said.
“It means equipping Edmonton-based SES volunteers with the resilience they need to continue the amazing work they do to support our community during the power outages that can occur during severe weather.”