

28 May, 2021

Wayne’s World: Use them or Lose them

G’DAY Tropicairnsians, Hold onto your trusty double pluggers, the word on the street is that mum and dad businesses here in Cairns are struggling and some are heading for the wall.

By Wayne Marshall

Wayne’s World: Use them or Lose them - feature photo

Now for some of you this may not be exactly ground-breaking, ‘hold the presses’ news, but let me tell you, we have a problem.

As a small handyman business owner, I know how tough it is out there at the moment. With this pandemic happening, everyone started doing their own home repairs and small renovations because no-one knew when events would change.

I was forced to place my business in hibernation and wear the storage cost or close for good, while waiting for change and now slowly but surely, they are showing signs of improving.

 But during this whole world recalibration that has reprogrammed the way we think, socialise, work, holiday, and shop.

I have been on a regular mission of walking around this city with my painted aura being cheerful and positive as possible for those struggling to keep their heads above water.

But bloody hell it has been a hard slog watching shops close down and empty out, and we are really going to notice the difference when the economy gets up and running because many are ice-cream shops or small restaurants that have gone.

And now while talking to other businesses that have somehow survived the last 12 months trying their best to keep doors open, government protection and or help has dwindled so the next few months will be crunch time.

 In the tropics we have some very special people, shops and businesses that you will not find anywhere else so before you turn on your computer or open your apps please head into town and give our hard working struggling local people a good look as they have great and quality products, skills and produce.



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