

1 April, 2021

Wayne's World: Rather walk and talk to Jim, than go to the gym

G’DAY Tropicairnsians, Here is a topic close to my heart (and huge belly) and one that may resonate with you. To get some good healthy exercise does not mean sweating your guts out at a gym.

By Wayne Marshall

Wayne's World: Rather walk and talk to Jim, than go to the gym - feature photo

Here is a topic close to my heart (and huge belly) and one that may resonate with you.

To get some good healthy exercise does not mean sweating your guts out at a gym. Really, when you go to these places, they stink of unimaginable smells like dirty old jocks and socks, mouldy wet towels and two-hundred-year-old mixed grossed out sweat that even a pack of wet wild dogs would run from.

 Now who has not been cuddly shamed, and been pressured to make that absurd New Year’s resolution to lose weight, get fit, stop smoking, and cut back on the drink?

 Many years ago, I had a knock on the door, not from the ‘sky-pilots’ but from people working for the local gym.

This male and female ‘beautiful people’ team knew their sales and as quick as a roo-tail whip I had stupidly signed up for a membership.

It all started well enough, but the novelty soon wore off and the realization that I had a yearlong contract obliging me to 52 weeks of sweat, grunting and a slightly lighter bank-balance.

I’m a bit like a right vicious mongrel dog when it comes situations of conned contracts, so my contract was soon cancelled. The fact that I felt conned was bad enough but the worst part is the “I told you so” that comes from your partner.

But on the bright side I have been off the ciggies since December 2015 and cut back big time on the booze to an average 4 drinks a month (mainly because I don’t have time to spend standing around drinking).

 All is not lost as being careful not to dislodge to much red suit belly, I have taken to having long walks as my new exercise, yes walking is recommended by every doctor that this fella has met.

My favourite place to walk and talk is Cairns City and the Esplanade. So every chance that this weird one gets to paint the beard, put on a Hawaiian shirt, lairy hat, flip flops and off I go to giggle at all those fitness freaks on the exercise centres along the board walk.

 Yes, you can spend some serious coin on gyms, or you can be smart and walk, talk and smile with the rest of us wiser and older vertical survivors.




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