

5 February, 2021

Wayne's World: Bacon and Egg Burger – HOLD the Bacon.

G’DAY Tropicairnians,

By Wayne Marshall

Wayne's World: Bacon and Egg Burger – HOLD the Bacon. - feature photo

 This week I need to focus closely on an important issue. It’s not world shattering nor is it essential for life, but it is critical that I focus on this in the interest of my professionalism as Cairns’ leading public interest journalist. (I thought I heard my editor Peter choking on his donut with that last comment).

 Is the most valued food staple worldwide namely bacon overrated?

 I just nervously looked over my shoulder to see if my great late Nana was gunna leap out of her grave and kick me in the codgers for even writing this, let alone thinking it.

But yes, this stupid subject matter was pushed on to me by some silly drongo at the big green box a couple of days ago.

 Now here is a list of thought provoking, taste bud killing ideas for you to contemplate:-

1.   The all healthy truck stop truckies breakie with all the trimmings but no bacon.

2.   A works burger with
no bacon.

3.  A bacon and egg burger with no bacon.

4.  Pigs in a blanket without bacon

 Sorry but I cannot keep on making such a mindless and tasteless list without thinking about cutting off my tongue, bacon overrated? Really who can be so bloody single minded?


Now here are some positive bacon thoughts:

1. The concept of bacon ice cream originated in a 1973 sketch on the British comedy series The Two Ronnies as a joke; however, it was eventually created for April
Fools’ Day.

2. Bacon ice cream is an ice cream generally created by adding bacon to egg custard and freezing the mixture.

3. Heston Blumenthal experimented with the creation of ice cream, making custard similar to scrambled eggs then adding bacon to create one of his signature dishes.

4. Canadian Bacon Maple Syrup

5. Sweet and smoky bacon jam

6.Savoury Breakfast Biscuits made with Bacon, Cheddar, and Green Onions

 This is just a few sweet facts I found doing a quick internet search, just imagine the amount of kilo gaining ecstasy that could happen if you conducted a much longer search and recipe gathering exercise.

 Handy hint is that all it takes to burn off 2 slices of beautiful bacon is just a 26 minute run or 42 minute walk, easy campezy.




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