

4 February, 2024

Elder held in highest esteem

THE coordinator of Mossman’s Elders Justice Group, Christine Lynch, is Douglas Shire Council’s citizen of the year for 2024.

Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr with junior citizen of the year Amber Yendle Picture: Supplied
Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr with junior citizen of the year Amber Yendle Picture: Supplied

Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr said Ms Lynch had a passion for people and contributing to the health and wellbeing of the community.

“The Elders Justice Group is a safe, inclusive centre that offers help and support for anyone who walks through the door,” he said.

“She contributes in many ways, helping families with child safety, youth justice, the family relationship commission, family reunification, stolen wages, mediation as well as simple things like putting credit on phones, or offering advice on understanding Centrelink.”

Elders Justice Group colleague Reuben Dwyer accepted the award on behalf of Ms Lynch at a ceremony in Port Douglas last week.

He said Ms Lynch displayed great determination to re-open the service after the floods that ravaged the shire last month.

“Her number one reason for doing so was to get those doors open again for people who needed our service,” he said.

“She’s really looking forward to a new year of supporting people. She’s committed as ever.”

Other citizen of year award winners include: junior sports – Caitlyn Butland, senior sports – Rod Johnson, environmental achievement – Sid Murthy, arts and culture – Eliza Eggins, civil recognition courage and mateship – Dan Cherpillod, Marlin Ketteringham and Dakota Santarossa, volunteer of the year – Walter Gray, young citizen of the year – Amber Yendle, senior citizen of the year – Wendy ‘LuLu’ Cowan and citizen of the year – Christine Lynch.

Mayor Kerr said every nominee should be proud of their work.

“To have your name put forward by your peers is an achievement in itself and every nominee should be congratulated,” he said.


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