29 November, 2024
Crafted from clay
TO celebrate 50 years of creating beautiful and intricate ceramics, the Cairns Potters Club is launching the 16th ‘Melting Pot’ exhibition at the Court House Gallery today to showcase the best ceramics made throughout the years of the club.

With 79 pieces by 55 artists from the Far North and across Australia, the Melting Pot exhibition will offer a visual feast of textures, colours and techniques and a journey through the history of the Cairns Potters Club.
The exhibition opens today at the Court House Gallery from 6pm and will run until January 12.
“We’ve had Melting Pot exhibitions for many years – this is our 16th – but never as official as this, but this one celebrates 50 years of the Cairns Potters Club,” said club president Lone White.
“With this exhibition we’d like to show the people in Cairns what we make and what’s made here in Australia in ceramics because we keep developing these new techniques, there are always new things happening.
“We also have the city collection on display. These are artworks that we acquired from the club from 1978 to 1995. It shows the type of work that was done then and how ceramics have developed.
“Although not all the works are from the Far North, most are, and some pieces will be for sale.
“Also, every Saturday we’ll have somebody down at the gallery from 10am to 12pm demonstrating how to work the wheel, so anyone who’s interested in all things pottery should come and have a look.”
Ms White reflected on the history of the club and how more people in the Far North continued to embrace pottery and ceramics.
“I think it’s fantastic, not only that we’re turning 50, but that we have consistently increased membership through the years,” she said.
“I started in the club four years after it was formed in Cairns and I’ve been there ever since and been president most of the time and we used to have approximately 100 people. Now our membership is over 200.
“Anybody can play with clay, it’s relaxing. When you’re on the wheel you forget about all of the problems of the world.”
The Cairns Pottery Club will also be holding their popular Christmas fair on December 7 at their headquarters on Grove St. For more information on the
exhibition and Christmas fair, visit