

26 March, 2021

Port Douglas Tree poisoner at large

Douglas Shire Council is investigating the declining health of an iconic row of trees in Warner Street, Port Douglas, and has found they were likely poisoned.

Port Douglas Tree poisoner at large - feature photo

Douglas Shire Council is investigating the declining health of an iconic row of trees in Warner Street, Port Douglas, and has found they were likely poisoned.

The row of trees on the eastern side of the street have thrived for 34 years, but have shown signs of serious stress in the past two weeks.

An independent arborist report, commissioned by Douglas Shire Council, has discovered some of the rosewood trees were likely poisoned.

Council has sent samples taken from the affected trees to a laboratory for analysis to accurately determine the details of the herbicide used.

The independent arborist report investigated all possible factors which may have contributed either directly or indirectly to decline of the assessed trees.

“Symptoms were uniform and consistent in nature, indicating an event which has impacted upon all of the affected trees within a short timeframe,” the report stated.

The report stated a number of trees were unlikely to recover.

Council will continue to closely monitor the trees and do everything it can to give the affected trees the best chance of survival.

Staff will also start exploring available options for mature replacement trees in the event some of the trees are unable to recover.

The assessed trees will be maintained in coming weeks to ensure there is no threat to public property or safety.

It’s the second time in three years someone is alleged to have poisoned the trees.


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