

24 May, 2023

Bustling maritime open day

THREE hundred people have signed up to explore maritime careers after an open day at Portsmith last weekend.

By Cairns Local News Team

More than 1000 visitors attended the Cairns Maritime Careers Open Day to explore the opportunities the marine industry has to offer. 

The event, developed by Cairns Chamber of Commerce as host of the Cairns Regional Jobs Committee, was deemed a great success, with a quarter of the participants registering a career-seeking profile through the Marine Jobs platform. 

Cairns Chamber of Commerce chief executive Patricia O’Neill said the committee was “overwhelmed with the volume of attendees of all ages and experience levels who attended the event eager to start working or skilling up for their next work adventure”. 

TAFE’s Great Barrier Reef International Marine College in Tingara St came to life on Saturday, May 13, after 1228 visitors attended the careers day, where 30 businesses displayed the career opportunities in the sector and 70-plus were also advertised. 

Marine Jobs maritime industry skill advisor Adam Chanter said “out of the 1200 people that registered for attendance, 300 created a career seeker profile through the Marine Jobs platform.”


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