

18 September, 2020

5 simple marketing tips to grow your business

As we move further through the recovery phase attached to COVID, it’s critically important to take advantage of every business opportunity presented, with this in mind Vanessa Allen from Adhesive Communication gives us some simple ideas to grow our businesses.

By Vanessa Allen

5 simple marketing tips to grow your business - feature photo

Planning is one of the key elements to a great marketing campaign. 

 A simple plan will help crystalise where you want to be, what areas of your business you want to grow and steps to get there with clear direction. 

 Writing down your goals makes you 42% (according to more likely to achieve them. Marketing results can then also be measured against your goals and if necessary, changes can be made to improve results. Social Media is a powerful instrument in your marketing toolbox. 

It has been developed to help create audiences, talk to those people and then grow your audience. I recommend sharing information about your industry which will also help to develop you as an industry leader. 

 Don’t make it all about selling, it’s social so keep it interesting and then increase your audience for a sales message through a boosted post to reach more of your ideal audience. 

 If you haven’t set up a look-a-like audience, I recommend you investigate that. Databases are like gold. If you don’t have a database of all your customers, 

I suggest you start now. It costs 5 times as much to get a new customer as it does to keep a current one and previous customers already know and love your business. You can also easily talk to this audience about new products or services. 

Connections can be more powerful than you think. Being a great connector initially helps others by introductions to people who may be able to assist them or who you feel may have nice synergies. 

 This selfless act never fails to reap rewards, sometimes with a simple thank you and sometimes in reciprocated connections. 

Do something. Many business owners are not sure what to do, so do nothing new to market their business. Marketing is about testing and measuring. 

 Since you’re reading this newspaper, I wonder how many other people in your ideal audience are? 

 Try different media with different messages and you’ll find ones that work to grow your business.


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