

16 May, 2024

Become aware of epilepsy

GET epilepsy-aware and seizure smart this May with a free education and networking event for people with epilepsy and their families.

Alison Jackson, of Clifton Beach, vows for Epilepsy Queensland and their support. Picture: Supplied
Alison Jackson, of Clifton Beach, vows for Epilepsy Queensland and their support. Picture: Supplied

Epilepsy Queensland chief executive officer Chris Dougherty said the event covered everything from epilepsy management to seizure first-aid and how to administer emergency medication.

“The event is also designed to help people connect with the local epilepsy community, develop vital networks and understand the resources you can draw on through Epilepsy Queensland,” he said.

“Too often people with epilepsy feel isolated and misunderstood and experience difficulties when it comes to education, employment and social connection.

“That’s part of the reason why we run these events – to let people know that help is available and that there are many more people in the same boat. Building that connection and those networks is so important.”

For Clifton Beach woman Alison Jackson, epilepsy has always been part of her life.

“I originally had seizures at two-months-old, from an infection as a baby,” she said. “Then, at 11-years-old, I was diagnosed. I was quite scared, being the only kid at my school with epilepsy.

Ms Jackson said she was committed to raising awareness of the challenging neurological condition, and credits an “excellent” GP with helping her manage the condition.

“I check in with my GP every month to see if there are any problems and, if any do arise, I know that I can always request an appointment at the local hospital,” she said.

“Epilepsy Queensland has been an excellent rock of support to me and my family, especially over the last few years. 

“Any time I needed help with seizures or after a hospital admission I can call them for help and advice.”

Ms Jackson said with epilepsy presenting in a range of different ways – far beyond the single depiction we see on TV screens – many people felt out of their depth when they encountered someone having a seizure, or don’t even realise that that’s what’s happening. 

“Learn seizure first-aid. You never know if you will help someone in an emergency and the person will be grateful you did,” she said.

• Join Epilepsy Queensland at Stratford Library, 11 Kamerunga Rd, Stratford on Wednesday, May 15 at 10am.

• Places are limited, so book by calling 1300 852 853.


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