
General News

18 February, 2022

Healthcare industry keeps growing due to COVID-19

THE COVID-19 pandemic has affected all sectors of the economy; however, the healthcare industry has seen significant impact resulting in exponential growth to respond to the health crisis.

By Isabella Guzman Gonzalez

Image: 18-year-old Lexie Ross finished her AIN certificate and is preparing to go into a Nursing degree
Image: 18-year-old Lexie Ross finished her AIN certificate and is preparing to go into a Nursing degree

Factors like the ageing Australian population, the shortages of staff and the massive loss of employment in hospitality have resulted in the rapid growth of the healthcare industry. 

According to the National Industry Insights Report by the Australian Industry and Skills Committee, the Health and Social Assistance industry is the largest employing industry in Australia. 

In 2021, over 1.8 million people were employed in the health sector. 

This figure is projected to increase to more than 2 million by 2025. Far North Queensland is no exception to this trend, with health making part of the top five output industries. 

As more job opportunities become available in the health sector, more and more students study health-related careers. 

Enrolments in the Health Training Package increased in 2020 to approximately 97,070. Connect’n’Grow (CNG) is a Registered Training Organisation that provides education opportunities in health (Certificates II and III) for schools and adults across Queensland, Northern Territory and South Australia. 

CNG’s General Manager, Gary Birmingham, said that more students would be going into the health industry with the inevitable growth of the health and social services sectors. 

“Our mission at Connect ’n’ Grow is to help build a health and social services workforce that provides care to all Australians. Right now, health is the biggest employer in Queensland,” Mr Birmingham said. 

“In some areas, Healthcare workers are starting to feel burnt out, and like other industries, some have chosen to leave due to mandatory vaccination. There’s always a need for more staff.

“Health and social services continue to be a solid industry in terms of jobs growth and security. 

“There are hundreds of different career options and paths in education that qualifications in health can lead students to. 

“Our program is designed to give kids a broad spectrum of options that can help them transition to a job or further study.” 

Mr Birmingham said that getting a Certificate II or III from school gives students a head start. 

“Completing a program like this helps students identify that this is the industry for them,” Mr Birmingham said. 

“Acquiring the foundations from school gives them exposure to many areas of health and social services and gives them the core skills to access those entry-level positions or further studies. 

“It prepares them for the workplace and gives them the practical skills they will need.” 

18-year-old Mackay local Lexie Ross finished her Cert III in Assistant in Nursing (AIN) with CNG and is now preparing to further her studies with a Bachelor of Nursing at CQU. 

“I decided to go into healthcare because I always liked helping people,” Ms Ross said. 

“There are also many opportunities in the industry right now.” 

Ms Ross said that healthcare is growing because of the many career opportunities it offers. 

“There are always options in healthcare, so many things you could do with it. For example, you could go into aged care, childcare, disability, admin, nursing,” she said. 

“And COVID has really pushed the industry, and there’s always a need for more people. 

“I think we also realised this might not be the only pandemic we’ll get, so the industry needs more staff.” 

In the next five years, it is expected that more than 50,000 more jobs will open up around Australia mainly due to the pandemic, skilled staff shortages, government policies, lack of career progression and retention of staff. 

For schools in Cairns that are looking to partner with CNG, they can contact Mr Birmingham at 

For Cairns residents looking to complete CNG’s AIN adult program, they can email Mr Birmingham or visit CNG’s website and fill out the expression of interest form at


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